Apparently what triggered the closure is that someone, either an attorney or client, with a confirmed Covid-19 diagnosis, attending a meeting a creditors. Here is the announcement:


Chief Judge Robinson of the District of Kansas signed two Administrative Orders today regarding the Coronavirus (COVID-19) situation. Administrative Order 2020-2 bars certain people who have traveled to certain jurisdictions or have possibly been exposed to the virus from entering the courthouse. Lawyers are asked to visit with their clients and other participants in advance of any hearing or trial to determine whether they come within one of the categories listed in the Order and notify opposing counsel and the court.

Administrative Order 2020-3 postpones criminal non-emergency hearings or trials before any judge in the District of Kansas until further notice. The definition of “emergency hearings” is found within the Administrative Order and includes Rule 5s, arraignments, detention hearings, preliminary hearings on bond revocation and revocation of supervised release, hearings on motions to review detention orders and any hearings on appeals from detention orders.

The Bankruptcy Clerk’s Office in Kansas City will be closed for two weeks. A person with a confirmed case of coronavirus entered through the North doors and attended a meeting of creditors on the first floor of the courthouse. All other offices (District Court, Bankruptcy Court and Probation and Pretrial) will remain open at this time. Please let us know if you have any questions."